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Jaggery Cinnamon

It has been used by our ancestors for thousands of years as it possesses many medicinal properties It's been now recognized by modern science too, as it can benefit many ailments it is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used in Ancient Egypt as an important ingredient due to its medicinal properties. It was rare and comparatively valuable and used to be given to kings as a gift. Although it is much easier to get your hands on cinnamon these days as it is regarded as one of the main ingredients in Indian cuisine.

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Products Infomation

Health Benefits of Cinnamon
  • Cinnamon Is High in a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties
  • Cinnamon Is Loaded with Antioxidants
  • Cinnamon Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  • Cinnamon May Cut the Risk of Heart Disease
  • Cinnamon Can Improve Sensitivity to The Hormone Insulin
  • Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect
  • Cinnamon May Have Beneficial Effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Cinnamon May Protect Against Cancer
  • Cinnamon Helps Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections
Cinnamon May Help Fight the HIV Virus

HIV is a virus that slowly breaks down your immune system, which can eventually lead to AIDS, if untreated.

Cinnamon extracted from Cassia varieties is thought to help fight against HIV-1, the most common strain of the HIV virus in humans

A laboratory study looking at HIV-infected cells found that cinnamon was the most effective treatment of all 69 medicinal plants studied

Human trials are needed to confirm these effects.

It Is Better to Use Ceylon (“True” Cinnamon)

Not all cinnamon is created equal.

The Cassia variety contains significant amounts of a compound called coumarin, which is believed to be harmful in large doses.

All cinnamon should have health benefits, but Cassia may cause problems in large doses due to the coumarin content.

Ceylon (“true” cinnamon) is much better in this regard, and studies show that it’s much lower in coumarin than the Cassia variety 

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthiest spices on the planet.

It can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease risk factors and has a plethora of other impressive health benefits.

Just make sure to get Ceylon cinnamon or stick to small doses if you’re using the Cassia variety.