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Jaggery Haldi

As much as jaggery itself is a nutritious sweetener, its taste and nutrition can be enhanced by blending them with natural spices such as turmeric, black pepper, fennel, caraway, etc., and natural herbs like holy basil, giloy, mint, triphala, amla, etc.

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  • Weight 800gm

Products Infomation

Blend of Natural sugarcane jaggery, Turmeric
  • Jaggery is known as an eco-friendly nutritive sweetener.
  • It is considered a medicinal sugar and an alternative to white sugar. It is recommended to use jaggery after meals to improve digestion
  • Turmeric contains bioactive components, polyphenols, phytochemicals, flavonoids, and some unique chemicals. They are antioxidant, detoxifier, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral, help with digestive problems, and treat cough flu & infections naturally.
  • A combination of turmeric and jaggery is effective in eliminating toxins from the body. The mixture of clarified butter and jaggery acts as an excellent detoxifying element. This combination when consumed aids in the elimination of toxins and reduction in body acidity.