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Jaggery powder is made from the sap of sugarcane that contains high amounts of sucrose. It is a delicious sweetener that can be used to replace the sugar in a lot of foods. It can be stored in the form of blocks or powder which can be later mixed into a food item.

Though sugar and jaggery powder comes from the same base material i.e. sugarcane there are differences between them. On one hand, sugar is may cause heart and chronic diseases while the benefits of jaggery powder outweigh the sugar. Jaggery is also mentioned in the Ayurveda as a cure for a lot of health problems

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Benefit of shakkar
  • Healthy source of carbohydrates:-
    Unlike sugar which is a simple carbohydrate that gets easily absorbed in the bloodstream and provides an instant boost of energy, jaggery is a complex carb that slows down the release of energy and spreads it over a period of time. It prevents fatigue and weakness in the body and also prevents your organs from damaging.
  • Rich in antioxidants:-
    Jaggery powder is rich in antioxidants such as thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B1), niacin, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and caffeic acids which helps in increasing the immunity of your body and while keep some kinds of cancer at bay.
  • Helps in weight loss:-
    As mentioned in the previous point jaggery helps boost the metabolism rate of your body which helps in the reduction of water retention. This will help you make your weight loss journey faster and quicker.
  • Helps prevent anemia:-
    Anemia is caused due to inadequate levels of RBCs in the blood along with iron and folate. Eating jaggery will make sure the iron levels are maintained and will help prevent anemia.
  • Treatment of cold and cough:-
    Most common health issues such as cough and cold occur due to the production of less heat in the body. Hence mixing jaggery in warm milk or in your tea will help generate heat in your body thereby fighting the cold and cough.
  • Treats acne and pimples:-
    It is one of the best remedies for treating and preventing acne and pimples. The antibacterial chemicals such as the glycoalkaloids and other acidic compounds in the jaggery help fight against the acne-causing bacteria and help keep your skin blemish free.